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No CFO? No problem.

Put the power back in YOUR hands with CFO4ALL, your 24/7 financial management partner that helps YOU know your numbers.

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Company Profile

CFO4ALL is an AI-powered outsourced CFO software solution that helps CPG founders (like you!) create and manage an effective financial strategy tailored to your business's unique needs, while also educating and empowering you as you use the platform. With CFO4ALL's interactive chat feature, intuitive "click-to-learn" teaching moments, and engaging and personalized eductational content, CFO4ALL is your go-to partner in not only helping you upskill your business, but also your numbers game!

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CPG Founder Pain Points Addressed

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Strategic Forecasting

We help you create a tailored forecast, so you can operate your business efficiently and get pitch ready for meetings with investors.

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Capital Management

We deliver thoughtful investment advisory services.

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Tax Preparation

We prepare everything you need for your tax returns.

and so much more!

Our Experience

"Created by founders with firsthand experience investing in female-founded *CPG* businesses!"

How It Works

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Modern TV Illusrtration

Meticulously trained by the industry's best and brightest, Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), and developed by top minds at the world’s finest business institutions, CFO4ALL’s AI-powered technology will guide your startup through financial intricacies with unparalleled precision and insight.

Dashboard View

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“Great ideas NEED a dynamic capital strategy and strong financial management to succeed. We make that support affordable, with the education and empowerment of our founders at the core of our mission. CFO4ALL helps more businesses succeed, and in turn, better products come to market. It's a win-win for founders and consumers alike.”

Rachel LeAGUE, cfo4all Founder + CEO


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